Home Lifestyle Find Sum of Even Digits in a Given Number in Java Program

Find Sum of Even Digits in a Given Number in Java Program


Find Sum of Even Digits in a Given Number in Java Program- Java program to find the sum of digits of a given number. Now in this post, we will write a Java program to find the sum of even digits in a given number.

Procedure to find the sum of even digits in a given number,

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  • Take a number
  • Declare a variable evenDigitSum to store the sum value and initialize it with 0
  • Find the last digit of the number
  • Check that the last digit is even or not
  • If it even then adds it to evenDigitSum variable, else go to next step
  • Remove the last digit of the number
  • Repeat 3 to 6 steps until the number becomes 0

Program to find the sum of digits of a given number in java

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SumOfEvenDigitsProgram {

  public static int findEvenDigitSum(int number) {

    // declare variables
    int lastDigit = 0;
    int evenDigitSum = 0;

    // loop to repeat the process
    while(number!=0) {

       // find last digit
       lastDigit = number%10;

       // check last digit even?
       if(lastDigit % 2 == 0) 
           // add it to sum
           evenDigitSum += lastDigit;

       // remove last digit of number
       number = number / 10;

    // return sum value
    return evenDigitSum;

  public static void main(String[] args) {

     // declare variables
     int number = 0;
     int sumOfEvenDigits = 0;

     // create Scanner class object 
     // for reading the values
     Scanner scan =  new Scanner(System.in);

     // read inputs
     System.out.print("Enter an integer number:: ");
     number = scan.nextInt();

     // find sum of digits of number
     sumOfEvenDigits = findEvenDigitSum(number);

     // display result
     System.out.println("The sum of even digits of"+
       " the number "+number+" = "+ sumOfEvenDigits);

     // close Scanner class object


Enter an integer number:: 1245
The sum of even digits of the number 1245 = 6

Enter an integer number:: 123456789
The sum of even digits of the number 123456789 = 20

Types of Sorting Algorithms:

Additional Reading


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